Class | Property | Color token |
.bx--label | text color | $text-02 |
.bx--checkbox-label | text color | $text-01 |
.bx--checkbox | border | $ui-05 |
.bx--checkbox:unchecked | background-color | transparent |
.bx--checkbox:checked | background-color | $ui-05 |
.bx--checkbox:checked | checkmark | $inverse-01 |
State | Property | Color token |
:focus | border | $focus |
:disabled | text color | $disabled-02 |
:disabled | border | $disabled-02 |
Disabled and normal checkbox states
Checkbox headings and labels should be sentence case, with only the first word in a phrase and any proper nouns capitalized. Checkbox headings and labels should not exceed three words.
Class | Font-size (px/rem) | Font-weight | Type token |
.bx--label | 12 / 0.75 | Regular / 400 | $label-01 |
.bx--checkbox-label | 14 / 0.875 | Regualr / 400 | $body-short-01 |
Class | Property | px / rem | Spacing token |
.bx--checkbox | height & width | 16px | – |
.bx--checkbox | border | 1px | – |
.bx--label | margin-bottom | 8 / 0.5 | $spacing-03 |
.bx--checkbox-label | padding-left | 8 / 0.5 | $spacing-03 |
.bx--form-item.bx--checkbox-wrapper | margin-bottom | 8 / 0.5 | $spacing-03 |
Structure and spacing measurements for checkbox | px / rem